Seals, sharks and spiny squat lobsters: Underwater Photographer of the Year 2025 – in pictures

3 weeks ago 17

Third, Compact: Blue Planet by Jenny Stock, UK

‘I don’t often shoot with compact cameras, but I absolutely loved playing with the Insta360 due to its wide scope for creative imagery. While looking through footage I had captured aboard the Ghazala Explorer in Egypt, I found a frame that told the story of boat life, Egyptian reef diving and selfie photography. This split-level frame captures the crew on the back of the deck. Moving in, it shows the glistening surface of the water, then dips below to the vibrant coral reef. In the centre – that’s me, shown capturing the image while holding the camera up and half out of the water on a selfie stick. The Insta360 uses software to automatically delete this stick from its footage and photographs.’

A circle of ocean with a woman in a diving mask in the centre and two ships on the outside of the circle
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